Residential & Commercial
Sealcoating | Maintenance

Residential & Commercial Sealcoating | Maintenance

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We Are Also

Snow Removal

Our care for the little things applies to snow plowing, too!

Real Seal is proud to offer snow plowing services through our sister company, WhiteOut Snow Removal.




Reasonable Rates

Our plowing jobs include:

Marking Your Edges

We mark the edges of all our driveways with flags.

Snow Measurement

WhiteOut plows every 2 inch single snowfall accumulation.

Storm Watch and Timing

We watch the radar so we can be ready to start plowing as soon as the snow ends. During a large, longer-lasting storm we may plow two times in order to keep your driveway accessible.

When does WhiteOut plow twice? For example, let’s say we are predicted to have 12 – 16 inches of snow. We are halfway through the storm and already received 6 inches and it looks like the prediction is accurate. We will start plowing halfway through the storm at 6 inches until everyone has been cleared out. Then we will go back through plowing the next 6 – 8 inches of snow.

Your Special Needs

We encourage you, the customer, to inform us of any special requests you may have, such as where you would like the snow piled, etc.

Snow Plowing Rates

‘Per Plow’ and Seasonal Rates available.

Senior Discounts

$30 OFF

Neighbor Discounts

$30 OFF